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Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro Ma
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro Ma
About Us

Sleep meditation can improve sleep quality and even fight certain sleep disorders. Feel rested with our library of guided sleep meditations.

About Us

Magic Happens when you give meditation away for free.

Twelve months ago we started the long journey towards becoming a sustainable company. Our business plan says we have two years to go but I often lay awake at night wondering if we’ll get there at all…



Ralph Adams

Is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists. He has helped thousands including many celebrities in a 20-year-career and has sold over 10 million hypnosis CDs, MP3 downloads and Apps. His hypnotherapy titles are well established as the UK's best-selling self-help CDs and downloads of all time

Amber Robertson

Sleep and Dream Educator, Writer, Mentor, Intuitive, Animal adorer. There’s a lot of sleep assistance out there that is mechanical and one-dimensional. It doesn’t address the uniqueness of you. I'll help you harness the meditative powers of deep rest and sleep, so you can bring fresh awareness to life

Michelle Lee

Michelle lee is a messenger of the internal world. A spirituality, meditation and life coach, she is also the founder of The Mindfulness Expo. The Mindfulness Expo will take place on November 30, 2019 at the Anaheim Convention Center


Contact Us

Improve Your Sleep

500 Terry Francois St. San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 554-443-5675


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